Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal moulds seekers easily on the strength of Her Chaitanya and resolve ! : Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale

Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale

Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal

Due to the ailments I suffer from and the spiritual distress, my Vital energy has been reducing since the Year 2007. As a result, I find it difficult to go out of the Ashram. In the beginning, I was concerned about who will solve the difficulties of seekers in their spiritual practice. However, Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal began to shoulder this responsibility skilfully. In Spirituality, obedience is a very important virtue. It is the supreme virtue among virtues, which She has in abundance; besides, on the strength of other virtues such as yearning, Priti (Spiritual love devoid of expectations) with seekers, remaining engrossed in the task at hand and communion with God, She easily shouldered the responsibility of getting spiritual practice performed from seekers and continues to do so. At the gross level, She gives perfect perspectives to seekers while solving their problems; besides, because of Her resolve and yearning at the subtle level, seekers get the spiritual experience of elimination of their difficulties and direction for further progress. It means that now, She is functioning at the gross as well as the subtle levels.

Because of Her Priti, leadership, management skills and incessant yearning that seekers progress spiritually, She is moulding seekers at a fast pace. She has been conducting Bhaktisatsangs for seekers over the past 5 years. Many seekers have benefited from Her Chaitanya-enriched satsangs, and as a result, are getting spiritual experiences. She is a manifestation of how a task is accomplished at the level of Chaitanya. She is an ideal for all the seekers and Saints for vyashti and samashti sadhana. Greetings on the birthday of Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal, who is complete with all the virtues. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale (8.9.2024)