Complaint lodged against Samajwadi Party leader for raping a lady lawyer

Police try to avoid filing a complaint

SP Leader Virendra Bahadur Pal

Mau (Uttar Pradesh) – A complaint of rape has been filed against Virendra Bahadur Pal, former State Secretary of Samajwadi Party and former President of Mau Bar Association. According to the complaint filed by a woman advocate, Pal raped her after forcing her to drink alcohol. He made a video of the incident, threatened and raped her repeatedly. In this case, when the female advocate went to the Police station to file a complaint, the Police did not register the complaint. The Police later took action when the lady appealed to the Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Virendra Bahadur Pal is absconding after the filing of this complaint, and the Police are searching for him.

Samajwadi Party has become a hub of rapists

1. Moeed Khan repeatedly raped a minor girl in Pura Qalandar area of ​​Ayodhya. He was arrested in this case.

2. Samajwadi Party leader Nawab Singh Yadav has been arrested in Kanauj for raping a minor girl.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Why the Samajwadi Party, which has members who are murderers, rapists and corrupt, should not be banned ?
  • One can imagine how the Police, who avoid registering a complaint of a lady lawyer, must be dealing with other victims of rape.