Spiritual science associated with Shri Ganesh and Chaturthi

Shri Ganesh Chaturthi


When we understand the spiritual science about a Deity, it strengthens our faith in the Deity. Faith increases bhav, and worship with bhav is more fruitful. With this perspective, emphasis has been laid upon providing information on Shri Ganesh in this Article. This Year Shri Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated from 7th to 17th September.

Significance : The destructive and Tama predominant Yama waves reach the Earth in greater proportion during the 120 days from Ashadha Purnima till Kartik Purnima. Their intensity is more during this period. However, during this period of higher intensity (meaning, the period from Bhadrapad Shukla Chaturthi to Bhadrapad Shukla Chaturdashi [or Anantachaturdashi]), the Ganapati waves, too, reach the Earth in higher proportion. This helps reduce the intensity of the Yama waves. On Shri Ganesh Chaturthi, as also during the days of Ganeshotsav, Ganapati Principle is 1,000 times more active on the Earth. Worship of Shri Ganapati during this period bestows greater benefits.

Implied meaning of some unique features of the Idol

A. Trunk curved towards the right : An Idol of Shri Ganapati with the trunk initially curved towards the right is called Dakshinamurti or Dakshinabhimukhi Idol (Idol facing the South). Dakshina refers to the Southern direction or the right side. The Southern direction leads to the region of Yama, the Deity of death; while the right side belongs to the Suryanadi (Sun channel). One who can face the direction of the region of Yama is powerful. One with an activated Suryanadi is also radiant. Thus, in both, the Shri Ganapati Idol with the trunk curved towards the right is said to be awakened. Scrutiny of our demerits and merits is done in the region of Yama, that is, in the Southern direction, and hence, one does not feel like facing that direction. Scrutiny akin to that done in the South region after death begins when alive, if we sit facing the South (or sleep with the legs directed towards the South). The Dakshinabhimukhi Idol is not worshipped ritualistically in the usual manner because tiryak (Raja predominant) waves emit from the South. Ritualistic worship of such an Idol is performed by strictly abiding by all the norms of ritualistic worship. Consequently, sattvikata (Spiritual purity) increases and the distress from Raja-Tama waves coming from the South is prevented.

B. Trunk curved towards the left : An Idol with the trunk curved towards the left is called Vamamukhi Idol. Vam means the Northern direction or the left side. The Chandranadi (Moon channel) is situated to the left. It bestows tranquillity. Besides, the Northern direction is conducive for Spirituality, and is Anand (Bliss) bestowing; hence, mostly the Vamamukhi Ganapati is worshipped ritualistically in the usual manner.

C. Modak : ‘Mod’ means Bliss and ‘ka’ means a fraction. Therefore, modak is a fraction of Bliss. A modak (A sweet) is shaped like a coconut, that is, like the cavity ‘kha’ in the Brahmarandhra. When the Kundalini (Dormant spiritual energy in the subtle body) reaches the ‘kha’ cavity, it gives the spiritual experience of Bliss. A modak in the hand signifies Bliss-bestowing Shakti.

The modak symbolises Jnan (Spiritual knowledge); hence, it is also called jnan-modak. Initially it seems that spiritual knowledge is little (represented by the tip of the modak); but as we start studying Spirituality, we realise its vastness (symbolised by the base of the modak). A modak is sweet in taste. Bliss obtained through spiritual knowledge too is like this.

The modak is shaped like a coconut. One striking feature of the coconut is that it attracts and imbibes distressing vibrations. Modak too attracts and imbibes the distress of (Shri Ganapati’s) devotees caused by negative energies. Shri Ganapati eats modak – this means He eliminates the difficulties and negative energies.

D. Ankush (Goad) : It is the destroyer of the energies which are harmful for the mission of acquiring spiritual knowledge and Bliss.

E. Pash (Noose) : Shri Ganapati is the one who will tie the noose around negative entities and take them away.

F. Serpent around the waist : This represents the Universal Kundalini.

G. Hood of the serpent : This represents the activated Kundalini.

H. Mouse : Mouse implies that the Raja component is under the control of Shri Ganapati.

(For more, read Sanatan’s Text – ‘Shri Ganapati’)

How to worship Shri Ganapati during Ganesh Chaturthi ?

1. From the day Shri Ganesh’s Idol is ritualistically instated in the house till the day of its immersion, worship it daily and perform Arati. Everyone at home should be present during Arati.

2. Offer 21 durva to Shri Ganesh accompanied by pronouncing His 21 Names. If durva are not available then pronounce the 21 Names loudly.

3. A Ganesh hymn should be recited 3 times daily – morning, afternoon and evening.

4. Offer durva, shami, and flower of mandar or red flowers to the Deity.

5. Sing the Arati collectively – do not play the audio of the Arati. If you do not know the Arati by heart, read it from a book.

6. After the Arati everyone should recite the Sankatanashan hymn 3 times.

7. Chant ‘Shri Ganeshaya Namaha’ or ‘Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha’ as much as possible. (If you are short of time, chant these at least 21 times.)

8. On the day of Shri Ganesh Chaturthi, sit in front of His Idol and pray to Him intensely thus – ‘O’ Shri Ganesh ! May I have Your darshan and be graced by You !’ (Then, you will definitely perceive the presence of Shri Ganesh !) *

9. Perform an anushthan (A religious act with a specific aim) of any of the mantras of Shri Ganesh.

10. Read Shri Ganesh Puran in story form.

11. Contemplate on Shri Ganesh’s Idol 21 times every day.

12. During the festival think and contemplate on Shri Ganesh. This will make you happy and the environment in the house will remain auspicious.

(Courtesy : Newspaper ‘Mayuresh’, September 2016)

* Where there is bhav, there is God !

(Perform ritualistic worship and recite mantras and / or hymns according to the family tradition.)

Shri Ganesh and God-realisation

In Shri Ganesh Atharvashirsha, Sages have described Shri Ganesh as situated at the Muladhar-chakra. Muladhar is one of the 6 chakras in the human body and is the first of all the chakras. Shri Ganesh is considered to be the Deity of the Muladhar-chakra.

Shri Ganesh is the Deity of Riddhi, Siddhi, wisdom and prosperity. He is also the God who eliminates miseries in life; therefore, every auspicious task is commenced with the worship of Shri Ganesh. Shri Ganesh is considered Parabrahmanswarup. Attainment of Parabrahman will not take place without passing through the fourth Turyavastha of the three Eras. God-realisation takes place only if the mind, which is affected by the moon, is awakened by going into Turyavastha.

(Courtesy : Mr Nivrutti B Shirodkar, Daily ‘Gomantak’, Year 2001)

Shri Ganesh Atharvashirsha, that eliminates the fickleness of the human mind

The human mind, by nature is very fickle. However, it must be stable so as to lead a stable life. Science of Yoga and Atharvashirsha are good remedies to overcome this fickleness.

The word Atharvashirsha is made of two words – ‘Atharva+shirsha’. ‘Atharva’ means knowledge about the elimination of fickleness of the mind, and ‘shirsha’ means head. Many have experienced that Atharvashirsha is good for calming the head and the mind. Even the Scriptures say that Atharvashirsha should be recited for a stable intellect and mind. We face many difficulties and harrasments in material life that result in at times experiencing dizziness, imbalance of the mind and so on. Many such difficulties keep coming. Shri Ganesh Atharvashirsha is an excellent remedy to eliminate or get rid of such difficulties. Whoever does so faithfully, gets appropriate fruit.

– Shri. Vidyadharshastri Karandikar (Courtesy : ‘Navashakti’ [Shri Ganesh Special Issue] 3.9.2008)

From the day Shri Ganesh’s Idol is ritualistically instated in the house till its immersion, worship it daily and perform Arati !