Repeal The Waqf Act, 1995

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As soon as the Union Government introduced the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024, to amend the Waqf Act, 1995 which gives unlimited powers to the Waqf Board, the opposition parties opposed it vociferously. They claimed this to be an attack on the federal system. The opposition parties called the BJP Government an enemy of Muslims. They also claimed that if powers are given to the District Collectors, they would become insolent. Expectedly, the parties which engage in Muslim appeasement, i.e., Congress, AIMIM, NCP, SP, CPI(M) and DMK led the protest, because the unlimited pampering of Muslims that has been happening since a long time, has now been exposed. Minorities Minister Kiren Rijiju has sent the Bill to the Joint Parliamentary Committee due to this. Changes to the Bill or when it will be tabled again cannot be predicted. Hence, the first step taken towards reform has been stalled for the time being; but till then, the Government needs to make a provision to revoke the rights of the Waqf Board.

Madhya Pradesh High Court’s Justice Gurupal Singh Ahluwalia’s criticism of the Waqf Act, 1995 is notable. While hearing the case of Archeological Survey of India Vs the Waqf Board, Justice Ahluwalia, reprimanded the advocate for the Waqf Board – “How can anyone’s prop-erty become Waqf property just by issuing a notice ? Which rules are you using ? Tomorrow you will declare the whole of India including the Red Fort, the Taj Mahal as the property of the Waqf Board !” Such a statement from a High Court Judge gives an idea of the horrific ‘Land Jihad’ that is going on through the Waqf Board.

How can this happen ?

India is a democratic country. Apparently, everyone would think that the majority will have more rights. Of all who have this misconception, the majority are Hindus. But if we study the laws, concessions and schemes, it will be evident that Muslims, who are a minority, have always been given maximum and unlimited rights and that too by comfortably fooling the Hindus !

Only recently, the Hindus have started realising that they have been kept in the dark about many things. The majority Hindus have been subjected to oppression and injustice in various ways and this is still going on. Hindus have to raise their voice for almost everything. The land belongs to Hindus, Hindus bear the burden of laws, Hindus pay taxes, and in the name of being a minority, the Muslims benefit from the Government schemes and enjoy all the facilities. Even then, how is it that ‘Islam is in danger’ ? The right to claim any land through the Waqf Act is a direct encouragement to ‘Land Jihad’. How can such a law be passed in a democratic country ? This is the fundamental question.

Loopholes in the reforms

There are 5 points that are predominantly being opposed in the amendments suggested by the Government. The first is that against the land claimed by the Waqf Board, one can approach the Revenue Court, the Civil Court and the High Court; but considering the activities of Waqf so far, Hindus will have to fight for their own land in the Courts for years. According to the amendment, an appeal can also be made in the Court against the ‘Waqf Tribunal’; but in that case too, Hindus will have to spend time, effort and money. The third is that the Waqf Board cannot claim any land. Only if someone donates land to the Waqf Board, it can become a Waqf property; but even then, as coercion is being used for religious conversions today, there is a possibility of this happening for donating the land to Waqf. According to the fourth amendment, there is a provision to elect 2 Muslim women and 2 persons from other religions on the Waqf Board. No matter who is selected to the Board, the actions will be according to the Islamic way ! Hence, this selection may remain on paper and the amendment could prove to be useless. The fifth point in the reform is to empower the Collector to survey the property in cases of dispute over a Waqf property. There is natural scope for corruption in this provision. Therefore, even if the amendments are made, the majority of Hindus will continue to suffer. Then, what is the use of amending the Act ?

It is certain that the lands so far occupied by the Waqf Board will be used for anti-national activities. Therefore, the Waqf Act and the implications of the proposed amendments should be thoroughly and seriously considered. Amendments are welcome; but if the law itself is repealed, the problem would be easily solved. Is it not better to uproot the weeds in a farm than pruning them ? This principle is applicable to this law as well.

Parallel Judiciary through the Waqf Act, running a parallel economy through Halal certification, etc. is the express highway towards ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’. There are smaller Jihadi conspiracies too – that apart. All this has been going on in a planned manner for several decades now. Whatever is visible, are just the superficial effects. The actual conspiracy is so terrifying that one will shudder on actually understanding its purpose.

Hindus have survived in India due to the devout Hindu activists who have been constantly raising their voice for Hindus. Followers of other religions have started trying to exterminate the Hindus through various ways such as lure, coercion, violence, etc. At present, no neighbouring country, i.e., Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and now Bangladesh, have a stable Democracy. It is stable only in India and the reason for this is that it has a Hindu majority.

Amid strong efforts to destabilise India from all sides, only concrete decisions of the Government can strengthen the country. Therefore, the Government should immediately identify the laws and regulations that are harmful to Hindu Dharma and get rid of them at the central level. Accordingly, the Waqf Act should not be amended, but it should be repealed immediately. If this is done, the land belonging to Hindus will remain in their possession.

The right to claim land through the Waqf Act is encouragement to ‘Land Jihad’. How can such a law be passed in a democracy ?