Shameful silence of the UNHRC and the IHRC over the attacks on Bangladeshi Hindus : Danish Kaneria

Former Pakistani cricketer Danish Kaneria angry over the attacks on Bangladeshi Hindus

Pakistan’s former Cricketer Danish Kaneria

Karachi (Pakistan) – Pakistan’s former cricketer Danish Kaneria has expressed his anger on social media about the atrocities suffered by the Bangladeshi Hindus. Kaneria posted, ‘My blood is boiling seeing these atrocities against Hindus. Shame on the United Nations, United Nations Human Rights Council and the International Human Rights Organisations for their silence.’ He has also posted ‘Save Bangladeshi Hindus’ hashtag.

Editorial Perspective

Note that not a single former or present Indian Hindu cricketer has spoken about the situation of Bangladeshi Hindus. Do these Hindus deserve to be saved during the times of disaster ?