Love Jihad perpetrators will be sentenced to life imprisonment in UP

Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) – The Uttar Pradesh Assembly passed the Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion (Amendment) Bill 2024. The new Bill was introduced with amendments in the Anti-Conversion Law on 29th July by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. It provides life imprisonment for crimes like ‘Love Jihad’. The original Bill was passed in the year 2021. At that time there was a provision of maximum 10 years imprisonment and Rs 50,000 fine. Both punishments and fines have been increased by the reforms introduced by the Government.

Earlier, there was a provision of imprison-ment for 1-5 years and a fine of Rs 15,000 for conversion and fraudulent marriage. Now for this crime there will be imprisonment of 3-10 years and a fine of Rs 25,000.

The Bill further proposed that whoever contravenes the provision about a minor, disabled or mentally challenged person, woman or SC/ST, will face rigorous imprisonment for up to 14 years and will be liable to pay a fine of minimum Rs 1 lakh. As per the current provisions, the maximum imprisonment is up to 10 years and the minimum fine is Rs 25,000.

In case of mass religious conversions, the person(s) responsible may face a punishment of 7-14 years with a minimum fine of Rs 1 lakh. Currently,  the provision is of 3-10 years imprisonment and a minimum fine of Rs 50,000.

If the life or wealth of a person is put under threat, or there is use of force or marriage or promise of marriage for religious conversion, punishment will range from 20 years to imprisonment to life imprisonment.

The Bill’s statement of reasons read, “Keeping in mind the sensitivity and seriousness of the crime of illegal religious conversion, the dignity and social status of women, and the organised and planned activities of foreign and anti-national elements and organisations in illegal religious conversion and demographic change, it has been felt that the amount of fine and penalty provided in the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Act should be increased and the bail conditions should be made as stringent as possible”.

The Bill further proposed to increase punishment in the Anti-Conversion Law for anyone who receives foreign funding or funds from illegal institutions in connection to unlawful religious conversion to at least 7 years of rigorous imprisonment that can be extended to 14 years. In addition to it, the person will be liable to pay a minimum fine of Rs 10 lakh.

Editorial Perspectives

  • If the UP Government can pass such laws, why can other States not ? Or the State Governments do not think that it is their duty to protect Hindus ?
  • Commendable decision of the UP Government to increase the severity of punishment. However, no matter how strict the laws, fanatical Muslims will not stop committing crimes because they do not fear the law. Due to this, it will be necessary to introduce the Death penalty.