Contribute in compiling Sanatan’s Texts on Spirituality, Nation & Dharma, etc.

A Request to Sanatan’s Well-wishers and Readers and message to seekers

I have been compiling Texts on Spirituality, spiritual practice, Nation & Dharma since 1990. Although the subtle Divine knowledge received by me and Sanatan’s seekers, that is incorporated in these Texts, is crucial, I also incorporate knowledge from other authors’ Spiritual Texts and Periodicals into my Texts, so that readers get additional knowledge.

Spiritual knowledge is infinite. Over the past few years, I have been reading different Texts and Periodicals and selecting important matter, so that readers can understand the topics in my Texts in detail. This would also save seekers’ time since they will not have to read other Texts on different topics. So far, I have made notings in more than 8,000 Texts and Periodicals. The notings needs to be compiled. I write the name of Sanatan’s specific Text on the notings, so that one can understand the Text in which a particular matter is to be taken. This helps in adding the selected portion in the next Edition of Sanatan’s Texts.

The critical time, i.e. World War 3, is approaching fast. It would be impossible to work on the Texts during that time. Also, we do not know how many marked Texts will be preserved after the War. Therefore, it is essential to complete the following tasks before these Texts get destroyed.

1. Checking the grammar of the typed matter and specifying headings from the point of view of compilation.

2. Deciding in which Texts the selected matter should be taken; e.g., matter on ‘Devotion towards a Deity’ can be incorporated in Texts on ‘Deities’ as well as ‘Bhaktiyoga’ (Path of Devotion).

3. Numbering the matter according to Sanatan’s published Text, i.e., deciding where (in which Chapter and where) a particular matter needs to be incorporated in an already published Text.

For some seekers, this satseva (Serving the God Principle) could be new. They can come and stay in Sanatan’s Ramnathi Ashram for a few weeks to learn this satseva. Seekers who think that they should stay in the Ashram and perform this satseva, will be encouraged to do so. Seekers who are not able to stay in the Ashram can learn this satseva and continue to perform it at home.

Seekers who are happy to know about this new type of satseva, should send their information through District-sevaks of Sanatan. Further processing will be done immediately to forward this satseva to them.

Contact Number : 8180968640, (0832) 2312664

E-mail : [email protected]

Postal Address : Mrs Bhagyashri Sawant, C/o ‘Sanatan Ashram’, Ramnathi, Ponda, Goa – 403 401.

– Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale