Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are ready : Pakistan threatens India

Islamabad – During the Lok Sabha election campaign in India, several leaders from Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Defense Minister Rajnath Singh criticised Pakistan’s nuclear power. Angered by this, Pakistan has started threatening India with nuclear bombs. Lieutenant General (retd) Khalid Ahmed Kidwai, adviser to the National Command Authority, which oversees Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, said that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are fully prepared. Pakistan does not have a ‘ no first use’ policy on nuclear bombs, and hence we will use them when required.

Kidwai added that Pakistan’s strategists have doubts about India’s ‘ no first use’ policy. They believe that India can launch a nuclear attack. Pakistan’s army, Navy and Air Force all have nuclear weapons. (Pakistan, which is threatening India with nuclear bombs, should keep in mind that a war could be impending. Pakistan may get to prove its strength soon – Editor).

Editorial Perspective

There is a lot of anger among the citizens of Pakistan about the Government of Pakistan, which is in financial trouble and is going around the world begging for loans. Pakistan always makes such threats to divert public attention. Though, India should not ignore this threat and respond appropriately to show Pakistan its real place.