DD News journalists were not allowed to tie sacred thread on their wrist during Congress rule : Senior DD Journalist

Hindu hatred of Congress !

DD News senior journalist Ashok Srivastava

New Delhi – During the Congress Government, journalists of the State-run news channel ‘DD News’ were not allowed to tie sacred red thread on their wrists. Doordarshan officials used to threaten journalists saying no thread on the wrist should be visible during broadcast.

Ashok Srivastav, Senior Journalist of ‘DD News’, has revealed the reason for wearing the red thread on social media. He said, “When the Congress was in power, one day a high-ranking official called me and asked about the red thread on my wrist. I told them it was my identity. The official made it clear that the red thread I had tied on my wrist should not be seen on the screen. This incident took place in the year 2006.”

A singer was stopped from singing a bhajan that mentioned Shriram was born in Ayodhya

Before this revelation of Ashok Srivastav, Doordarshan was being accused of not broadcasting Hindu symbols during the Congress period. Folk singer Malini Awasthi also disclosed this in a programme. She said that in 2005 she was stopped from singing a bhajan on television as it mentioned that Shriram was born in Ayodhya. Congress is also accused of running Doordarshan for its political policies.

BJP’s PM candidate Narendra Modi’s interview in 2014 was also edited

Apart from this, in 2014, during the Congress rule, the interview of Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi was also edited.

Many journalists were sacked from Doordarshan by Congress

When the Congress came to power in 2004, it sacked several journalists. Journalist Deepak Chaurasia was also among those sacked from Doordarshan.