20 crore Indians suffer from mental disorders
It is a serious matter that such a large number of people are affected by mental disorders. Spiritual practice is the only remedy on mental disorders
It is a serious matter that such a large number of people are affected by mental disorders. Spiritual practice is the only remedy on mental disorders
Pejawar Mutt Seer Shri Vishwesha Teertha Swami (Age 88), who was hospitalised at Kasturba Hospital, Manipal, renounced His body on 29th December 2019.
Traditions such as doing Namaskar by joining the palms, youngsters prostrating before the elders, reciting stotras (Hymns in praise of the Divine) in the evening, etc. have slowly disappeared and have been replaced by handshakes, watching TV, etc.
The ruler rules with a paternal attitude; hence, he is more aware of his responsibilities than his rights. Why can’t this be the fundamental formula of true freedom ?
This is not merely a letter of a brave soldier who sacrificed his life while protecting the Nation, it is a lesson for many future generations to have pride in the Nation !
Japan is famous for its hard working people; it is also an example of a Nation that has progressed because of the pride its citizens have in their mother tongue.
Reusing this stamp means cheating my Nation, Denmark. If we only deceive our Nation, our Nation will never progress.
The armed Muslim youth entered the venue in the disguise of a Hindu. However, as soon as he entered, he promptly wiped off the vermilion on his forehead and headed towards the stage.
Banks reported a total fraud of Rs. 71,543 crore in 2018-19, a 74% increase as against Rs. 41,167 crore in the previous financial year…
It is revealed that rioters are also from madarasas. Hence, nationalists should demand withdrawal of Government subsidy to madarasas