Strict action will be taken against those who try to intimidate Muslims : Ajit Pawar

Ajit Pawar’s statement at the Iftar banquet while remaining silent on attacks by Muslims on Hindus

(Iftar refers to the breaking of the fast by Muslims during Ramzan)

Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar

Mumbai – Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar has warned that strict action will be taken against those who try to intimidate Muslims or create religious discord. He made this statement while speaking at an Iftar banquet organised by the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP).

While reassuring Muslims, Ajit Pawar said, ‘As your brother, I stand firmly with you. If anyone tries to harass Muslim brothers and sisters or looks at them with hostility, they will not be spared. We celebrated the festival of Holi together. Now, let us also celebrate Gudhipadwa and Eid together. All these festivals convey the message of unity. We celebrate festivals together because unity is our strength. I stand firmly with Muslims’. (When will the rulers say, ‘We stand firmly with Hindus’ ? Or will they continue to ignore Hindus just because Hindus are not their vote bank ? – Editor)

Editorial Perspectives

  • In India, Hindu religious processions and festivals are rarely carried out smoothly. Fanatic Muslims often attack them from mosques, pelt stones, and incite riots during these times. However, why do Ajit Pawar and others not speak in support of Hindus in such instances ?
  • In Nagpur, fanatic Muslims attacked both the Police and Hindus. This is the question that arises among Hindus – Is Ajit Pawar reassuring them as well ?