It is a shocking fact that some countries facing internal conflicts and unrest rank higher than India on the Global Happiness Index

Spiritual leader and Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar raises questions about the credibility of the Global Happiness Index

Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Washington (USA) – India has been ranked 118th in the World Happiness Index, trailing behind several conflict-ridden countries. This ranking is quite surprising, said Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living. The index, published by Oxford University, places India as more depressed and dissatisfied than Pakistan, war-torn Ukraine, and Palestine, raising questions about whether such global indices are truly based on facts. Interestingly, Bhutan, which was ranked 79th last year, is not listed at all this year.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, currently on a US tour, addressed several questions during his talk in Washington. He shared his views on human values, lifestyle, and the challenges facing India. He remarked that while it is argued that people living in conflict-affected areas may need to be more organized, organization alone does not determine happiness. He emphasized that the situation in India is very positive today, with significant improvements over the last decade.

Human values in India are deeply rooted and highly esteemed

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar further said, “I have travelled all over the world and have witnessed that human values in India are exceptionally high. Whether it is compassion, the way people welcome guests, or how they share their resources—everything is remarkable. In India, if something happens to your family, the entire village will come together to support you. This strong social bond is deeply rooted in the country’s culture. Of course, the country has its share of problems, but significant improvements have been made in the last decade. In reality, happiness or misery is not necessarily tied to poverty.”

Editorial Perspectives

  • Why doesn’t the Indian government take a clear and firm stand on this, as the saints have realized ?
  • Such indices published by Western countries are misleading and seem like an attempt to undermine countries like India. It is now essential for India and other nations to challenge and oppose them.
  • The Western concept of happiness is largely tied to material pleasure. According to Hinduism, true and unadulterated happiness can only be experienced through sadhana (spiritual practice). Westerners, immersed in materialism, have little understanding of this deeper form of happiness — that is the truth.