Russian President Vladimir Putin refuses to recognise Joe Biden as US President

Russian President Vladimir Putin has refused to acknowledge the President elect Joe Biden as the President of the USA. He told that he is ready to deal with any person in which the Americans confide in; however, the opposition should also have confidence in that person, or the election results should be confirmed in a legal manner.

Mewat Development Board reserves 50% seats for Muslims in D. Ed. course; gets notice from VHP

Why is VHP required to send such notice when BJP is in the government ? Hindus expect the Government to remove this reservation, thereby doing justice to Hindus ! New Delhi – Vishwa Hindu Parishad has sent notices to the Chief Executive Officer of Mewat Development Board and Deputy Collector of Haryana’s Nuh district after … Read more

An Azerbaijan soldier screams ‘Allahu Akbar’ on the roof of a Church

Looking at the hatred of religious fanatics towards other religions entire world should unite against the Islamic radicalism and terrorism ! Baku (Azerbaijan) – It seems from a video viral on social media that though the war between Islamic country Azerbaijan and Christian country Armenia has stopped, the hatred between Muslims and Christians has not … Read more