America’s Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci’s advice to India

India should follow China’s footsteps to control coronavirus !

Washington (US) – In an interview,  America’s Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “Countries worldwide should provide help to India for vaccine production or should donate a large number of vaccines to India. Last year, China had constructed hospitals to be used for coronavirus patients. India should now adopt the same model. America should  come forward to help as there is a shortage of oxygen, PPE kits and other medical supplies in Indian hospitals”.

Discussing further, he said, “Only if there is a complete lockdown in India, this problem can be resolved. Last year, China had done the same. Although in a limited way, several countries including Australia, New Zealand had enforced a lockdown. It is not necessary that India has to impose a lockdown for 6 months. The benefits will be evident even if a lockdown is imposed only for a few weeks”.