National shooter Tara Shahdeo slams anti-Hindu journalist Ravish Kumar for calling ‘Love Jihad’ a fiction

Tara Shahdeo criticises Kumar stating that such perspectives encourage the religious fanatics !

National shooter Tara Sahdev and Hindu-hating journalist Ravish Kumar

New Delhi – Tara Shahdeo, a national shooter, and a survivor of ‘Love Jihad,’ strongly criticised anti-Hindu journalist Ravish Kumar for dismissing Love Jihad as a fiction. Tara, who had experienced the harrowing effects of Love Jihad, shared her perspective on the matter on social media platform ‘X’, stating, ” Jihadists like Rakibul subjected me to physical and mental torture for conversion, using ‘Love Jihad’as a tool. I was perplexed as to where he found the audacity to commit such a cruel act. Today, I realise that individuals like you (Kumar) contribute to empowering jihadists like Rakibul.”

Tara Sahdev had fallen victim to Love Jihad

Rakibul Hasan, posing as ‘Ranjit Kohli,’ ensnared Shahdeo in a deceptive love affair. Upon discovering his true identity, she resisted, leading to physical and mental torment inflicted by Rakibul and his family. The incident came to light in 2014, prompting a CBI investigation initiated in 2015 following High Court orders. Rakibul was subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment by a special CBI court in Ranchi. Mushtaq Ahmed, the then Registrar of Jharkhand High Court, also received a 15-year sentence in connection to the case.

Ravish Kumar’s book, which dismisses ‘Love Jihad’ as fiction, released

Communist and anti-Hindu journalist Ravish Kumar, shared a photograph on ‘X’ on 16th February, applauding a book titled ‘Love Jihad and Other Fictions.’ His endorsement seemingly propagated the notion that ‘Love Jihad’ is a work of fiction. Tara Shahdeo strongly objected to Ravish Kumar’s perspective and responded with a stern rebuke.

Editorial Perspective

The Government of India should officially recognise Love Jihad as a national concern and take decisive action against individuals who deny its existence. This would ensure that those supporting extremist ideologies remain under control.