Israel destroyed 33 mosques in Gaza till date

Mosques were being used by Hamas terrorists to hide and launch rockets

Tel Aviv (Israel) – Hamas-Israel war continues even after 23 days. Israel has been continuously attacking the Gaza Strip. So far, 33 mosques have been destroyed in these attacks. These mosques were bases of Hamas terrorists and being used for anti-Israel activities. Al-Shifa, a famous Gaza hospital, is also being used for the same purpose. Currently, a large number of homeless individuals have taken shelter in this hospital.

Al-Ihsan, Hattin and a few other famous mosques in Gaza have been destroyed. Hamas terrorists were using these mosques to hide and launch rockets. Israel has also destroyed the headquarters of the Quran radio station in the Gaza Strip.

Editorial Perspective

Mosques in Gaza are nothing but Jihadi terrorist bases ! It should be investigated if a similar problem exists in India.