8 terrorists, absconding for over 30 years, apprehended in Kashmir

2 terrorists were employed in Government jobs

Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) – The Police arrested 8 terrorists who were absconding for over 30 years. They are identified as Adil Farooq Faridi, Ishtiaq Ahmed, Iqbal, Mujahid Hussain, Tariq, Ejaz, Jameel and Ishtiaq. All of them lived in the State like ordinary citizens; of which 2 even got Government jobs. One of the terrorists worked in the education department while another in a Court of law. These terrorists are accused of various crimes including abduction, murder and inciting citizens to attack Kashmiri Hindus and the security forces. They took help from the local mosques to accomplish these unlawful activities. (Please note how the mosques are being used in Kashmir! Pseudo-seculars, liberals or leaders of the Muslim political parties in India will never speak a word against this though – Editor). The Police suspect that other absconding terrorists are also living undetected in the State.

734 terrorists are still absconding

2 teams of the Investigating Agencies are currently scanning for the terrorists who are absconding in Jammu and Kashmir. The number of absconding terrorists stands at a staggering 734, of which 417 are from Kashmir and 317 are from Jammu. Of the 734, 369 terrorists have been successfully identified, 80 have died, 45 have escaped to Pakistan. Information about 127 of them is not available as of now.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • How did the absconding terrorists secure employment? Who supported them? An investigation is critical to find and take action against those involved in this matter.
  • The efficiency of the Police personnel, who failed to apprehend these terrorists for over 3 decades, is questionable indeed! Wouldn’t it be better to sack them?