The current period is dangerous ! : Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar

 Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar

Vienna (Austria) – The European countries should note that the difficulties in life won’t always be controlled by others. If there is only one superpower in the world, none of the sectors will remain stable, said the Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar in an interview given to an Austrian newspaper ‘Dye Presse’. He said, “The current period is dangerous. In these changing times it will take time to make new global policies as this is a big change.”

Jaishankar further said,

1. Europe is trying to develop the region. It tries to stay away from international problems and avoids looking into complicated security matters. Europe has focused on business and stressed on a multi-party system. In order to shape policies like Global Warming and Human Rights in their way, they used their financial strength.

2. Despite the clashes, the former Presidents of the USA Barack Obama and Donald Trump said that the USA can’t take a stand on a global level as it did earlier. Hence, it should back out. The USA should consider becoming capable as it was earlier. Hence, it has started helping countries like ours.