Two million Rohingya Muslims’ infiltration in 18 countries

New Delhi – After the violence in Myanmar, apart from India and Bangladesh, the Rohingya Muslims have infiltrated 18 countries such as Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, America, Australia, China, Japan, Canada and Finland. The total number of such infiltrators is estimated to be 2 million. A large number of Rohingya Muslims have gone to Pakistan too. Rohingyas are being trained in Pakistan to infiltrate India and carry out terrorist activities. Rohingyas who have reached various countries in Asia have created a nuisance for the Governments there. They have created many kinds of problems in India also. Due to the Rohingyas, criminal incidents have increased, and the law and order situation has deteriorated in the country.

1. In India, it has been revealed that the PFI is making Aadhaar cards for Rohingya and Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators.

2. Due to tight security in India, some Rohingyas have turned to Nepal. The Rohingya are receiving financial support from jihadi groups in Nepal.

3. Indonesia, an Islamic country, has granted asylum to Rohingyas involved in crime. Rohingyas arriving by boat in Indonesia are being sent back.

4. The UN has said that 9,20,000 Rohingya Muslims are sheltering Bangladesh. Rohingyas are involved in crimes like drug and women trafficking. This is a challenge in terms of law and order. Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina told a Canadian official that the estimated 1.1 million Rohingyas in the country are creating problems for Bangladesh.

Editorial Viewpoint

Trained by Pakistan, Rohingyas challenge law and order in India. These 18 countries will have to face the same problem for which Rohingyas were kicked out by Myanmar. Further, these Rohingyas will indulge in anti-National acts that will threaten the law and order in these countries. Therefore, strict measures must be taken on them now.