Karnataka Government will introduce anti-conversion Bill in the winter session of Assembly

Belagavi (Karnataka) – An anti-conversion Bill will be introduced in the winter session of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly starting 20th December, said V Sunil Kumar, Minister of Energy, Karnataka State.

Sunil Kumar said, ‘We have been telling that the BJP Government will enact Anti-cow slaughter and Anti-conversion laws. We are committed to this. I will go one step further and say that in the next few days, we will enact the Anti-love jihad law’. He further said, ‘Some organisations claim that they are not involved in conversion’. ‘If it is so, why are they opposing the anti-conversion law ?’, he asked. Archbishop Machado from Karnataka has opposed the enactment of anti-conversion law. (Christian missionaries convert the naïve and poor tribal Hindus by luring them. This will stop after the law is enacted and hence Machado is opposing the law ! – Editor)