Stop offering the namaz in the Idgah mosque on Shrikrushna’s birthplace

‘Shrikrushna Janmabhoomi Mukti Andolan Samiti’s demand with the District Collector

Mathura (UP) – The Idgah mosque on Shrikrushna’s birth land is built above the sanctum of Shrikrushna. Aurangzeb built this Idgah mosque by demolishing the Shrikrushna temple; since then namaz was never offered there. But since the last few days, namaz is offered 5 times a day. They are trying to disturb the cordial relations between the two communities. Hence Adv. Mahendra Pratap Singh, President of the Shrikrushna Janmabhoomi Mukti Andolan Samiti gave a representation to the District Collector demanding the banning of the offering of namaz that is going on there. Mahamandaleshwar Chitta Prakashanand, Sachidanand Das, Devanand Maharaj, Sureshanand Paramahans, Swami Brahmachaitanya Manmohandas, Pradeepanand Maharaj, Adv. Sangeeta Sharma and Jitendra Singh were present on the occasion.

Advocate Mahendra Pratap Singh said that although Aurangzeb turned Shrikrushna temple into Idgah mosque, symbols of Shankha, Chakra, etc. were visible on the wall there; but the Muslim party is bent upon removing them. That is why the offering of namaz should be stopped.

On 6th December, Shrikrushna’s abhishek is going to be performed in the Idgah mosque

On the other hand, All India Hindu Mahasabha has decided to perform abhishek of Shrikrushna by going to the Idgah mosque. Hindu Mahasabha has vowed to perform the abhishek peacefully without causing any damage.