Varanasi : A religious fanatic lover kills his Hindu girlfriend’s father

A shocking case of Love Jihad

The girl cooperates in the conspiracy against her father for opposing her marriage with the religious fanatic !

Editor’s comments

  • Merely having a law against Love Jihad is not sufficient. The Yogi Government should now arrange to provide education on Dharma to the youths in the society. Only this will make them feel proud about their Dharma.
  • In fact, the Central Government should take cognizance of such serious matters and legislate a law against Love Jihad centrally as well as arrange to provide education on Dharma to Hindus.
  • Every day, examples are evidence that religious fanatics can go to any level of cruelty to marry a Hindu girl. It is unfortunate that still, some Hindus are not ready to come out of the suicidal web of so-called secularism.

Varanasi (UP) – A girl in Varanasi has cooperated with her religious fanatic lover in the conspiracy to kill her father. Her father was against her marriage with the religious fanatic. The girl, her lover Javed Ahmed and their companion Aqib Ansari have been arrested in this matter. A pistol, motorcycle and a mobile phone have been confiscated from the accused.

  1. Grocery shop owner Rajesh Jaiswal (46), a native of the Tamachabad area under Mirzamurad Police Station discovered that his daughter had an affair with Javed Ahmed from the same village. Last year, the couple had pressurised Jaiswal for their marriage. Jaiswal was not ready for her marriage with the religious fanatic youth. Hence, the girl along with her lover Javed and his companion Aqib hatched a conspiracy to kill her father.
  2. On 29th July, Jaiswal was on the way to the hospital, carrying Tiffin for his mother-in-law. His daughter informed the accused. Javed and his companion Aqib pursued Jaiswal and shot him dead on a flyover at Rohania on Karnnadadi highway. The Police have provided the information about the incident.
  3. The Police had earlier suspected that the murder took place due to the property arguments. An FIR was hence lodged against the brother of the dead and his 2 nephews. However, the detailed investigation revealed the facts later, and the Police could reach the real murderer. The Police have now arrested the girl, her lover Javed and their companion Aquib in this case.