New Delhi – The Delhi Vidhan Sabha elections are scheduled. The Aam Adami Party has announced that if they are voted in again, they will give Rs 1,000 per month to the women. Now the Congress too has announced that they will give Rs 2,500 per month under its ‘Pyari Didi Yojana’.
D K Shivkumar Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka’s Congress government said that he firmly believes that Congress will be voted into power in Delhi and they will give the women of Delhi Rs 2,500. This decision will be taken in the first meeting of the cabinet.
Editorial perspectiveThe new fashion of buying votes by giving public money to the public; that is happening in the entire country is affecting the nation’s development work. The greatest tragedy is that the public is not realising that ‘they are being cheated’. The day the people realise that this is not strengthening the Indian Democracy instead the politics is weakening it. |