Kannauj (Uttar Pradesh) – Stones were pelted at each other during a protest against the construction of a tomb on the temple land. In this case, the Police have registered a case against Kamil, Noor Hasan and Ibal Hasan. All three are accused of assault and intimidation. The tomb was built here to grab the temple land, when Hindus opposed, stone pelting happened.
1. In Umran village here, out of 70 bighas (bigha is a unit of land measurement), 7 bighas of land are in the name of a temple, while the remaining 63 bighas of land belong to the village society. A week ago, a conspiracy to take control of this land by Muslims was exposed. After that, Mahipal, who lives in the village, and some villagers went to a nearby hill. They saw a tomb there, which was recently built with the intention of grabbing that land. This tomb is built on a religious square already built by Hindus.
2. There are allegations that illegal excavation is also being done on this hill. Due to the excavation, the hill has been flattened in many places and ponds are being built there. When Hindus opposed the encroachment through the tomb and ponds, Muslims gathered there and pelted stones at Hindus. Some people were also beaten up. Some of them fled from there; however, they filmed the incident and went to the Police station and filed a complaint.
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