Pune – During an interview with Shubhankar Mishra, Abhijeet Bhattacharya said, “Mahatma Gandhi was not for Bharat, he was for Pakistan. Bharat already existed; Pakistan was created. It was a mistake to address him Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi. He was the creator of Pakistan, he was the father and grandfather of Pakistan, in fact he was everything for Pakistan. Advocate Aseem Sarode has served him a legal notice for his statement. He said that a criminal case will be filed against Abhijeet Bhattacharya, if he does not apologise. The notice says, the singer has crossed his limit with this kind of statement. He added, more than 150 countries have issued postage stamps in the name of M Gandhi, the singer might as well check the facts of his statement.
Editorial PerspectiveThere have been worse comments from the Deputy Chief Minister of DMK Tamil Nadu, Udaynidhi Stalin, Karnatak Congress Minister Priyank Kharge who said, Dharma should be abolished, Nikhil Wagle, Sharad Pawar Rashtravadi Congress MLA, Jitendra Awhad who criticised Sanatan Dharma venomously while supporting the stand of abolishing Dharma. It is expected that these people should be served a legal notice more promptly than it has been done in the case of remark on M Gandhi. |