Nanded, Maharashtra – On April 6, 2006, a major explosion occurred at the residence of Rajkondwar in Patbandhare Nagar. The blast resulted in the death of Naresh Rajkondwar, son of Bajrang Dal and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) member Laxman Kondwar, and his associate Himanshu Panse on the spot. Maruti Wagh, Yogesh Deshpande alias Wadolkar, Gururaj Tuptivar, and Rahul Pandey sustained injuries in the incident. The term “Hindu terrorism” was coined, alleging that the explosion was a bomb blast. A case was registered against 12 accused under various sections. After 19 years, on January 4, the Nanded District and Sessions Court acquitted all 12 accused. A bench led by Judge C.V. Marathe examined 49 witnesses but concluded that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) failed to present concrete evidence of a bomb blast in court. As a result, the court ruled the explosion to be caused by firecrackers and acquitted all accused.
Also Accused in Jalna, Parbhani, and Malegaon Cases
The investigation was initially conducted by the Nanded Police, followed by the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), and later transferred to the CBI. Some of the accused were also implicated in blast cases in Jalna, Parbhani, and Malegaon. A total of 49 witnesses were examined in the case. Ultimately, the Nanded Court acquitted all the accused. During the investigation, police and agencies claimed to have found a live bomb while searching the house where the explosion occurred. Additionally, Muslim attire, fake beards, and caps were recovered from the accused’s house.
Hindus Acquitted
The deceased Himanshu Panse and Naresh Rajkondwar, along with Rahul Pandey, Sanjay Chaudhary, Ramdas Mulange, Maruti Wagh, Yogesh Deshpande, Gururaj Tuptivar, Milind Ektate, Mangesh Pandey, Rahul Dhawade, and Dr. Umesh Deshpande, were acquitted.