India, Pakistan may engage in large scale war in five years!

US Intelligence report

Washington DC (U.S.) – A US intelligence report has speculated that the tensions between India and Pakistan may escalate into a large-scale war, a war that neither side wants. The assessment is included in a Global Trends report produced every four years by the US government’s National Intelligence Council. The report also notes the possibility of a long-drawn war with large-scale casualties. This report is generally taken very seriously by all the countries and their intelligence agencies.

The report looks at the trigger for the potential war between India and Pakistan. According to the report, some militant outfits may conduct attacks in India in the next five years. To which, India will retaliate by destroying terror launchpads inside Pakistan, resulting in war.

No possibility of nuclear conflict

Although the report speculates a war between India and Pakistan, it denies the possibility of involvement of nuclear weapons. Neither government will commit the nuclear blunder. The war will result into serious economic turmoil in South Asia for years to follow, says report.

India-China conflict possible; but no war!

The report also speculates that over the next five years, India and China may also slip into a conflict akin to the Galwan valley clash. Apart from this, no war will take place between the two countries.

Water scarcity may also trigger India-Pakistan war

United Nations Development Program (UNDP) forecasted that Pakistan could face absolute water scarcity by 2025, given a combination of poor water conservation practices, lack of rainwater management, rising temperatures and decreased rainfall. Following which, discontent against the government will rise among the people there. To divert public attention from the issue, Pakistan may attempt to start a war with India.