Massive Hindu Rally in Sri Lanka to press for their demands

2500 Hindus participated

Vavuniya (Sri Lanka) – A massive Saiva awareness procession was organised by all Hindu organisations spearheaded by Mr. Sachithanandanji, Shivasenai at Vavuniya, Sri Lanka He presented 6 point demand to the Government. On 1.10.20, the procession started at 8 a.m. from Sri Kaliamman temple at Kurumankadu and concluded at Sri Kandasamy temple. The procession included 7 ornamental floats, 50 banners, around 1000 placards and auspicious nadaswaram music was played during the rally. Many women and children also participated. Women were carrying traditional lamps and Kumbha in their hands. Many were holding aloft Nandi flags. Bhajans were sung throughout the procession. Around 2500 people participated which stretched to 2 km. Congratulatory messages were sent in solidarity by prominent Hindu organisations from 10 countries across 4 continents.

It all started when Mr. Madhavan met Mr. Sachithanandanji to share his happiness about the Government’s decision to ban cow slaughter. Mr. Sachithanandanji suggested to Madhavanji to organise a massive Hindu awareness rally in Vavuniya to offer gratitude to the Government and also put pressure in promulgating Hindu welfare laws at the earliest. A 6 member committee was formed to plan this massive rally. As a result, many other Hindu organisations were also motivated to hold such a rally at their respective places.