Over 1,500 corona patients in Gujarat recover through Ayurvedic treatment !

This proves that Indian medications are more effective than Allopathic medicines. If other States follow the Gujarat experiment, we will benefit more than what we will by depending on Allopathic drugs. The superiority of Indian culture, traditions, etc. is beyond doubt.

The world is yet to make a vaccine for coronavirus. This puts limitations on the effective treatment of corona patients. In India, Gujarat is treating corona patients with Ayurvedic medicines. On 15th May, after Gujarat Government was allowed to use Ayurvedic medicines on a limited number of patients, the effect was reflected in the available statistics. Patients with symptoms of corona treated with Ayurveda, showed positive results, with 586 recovering and 1,076 on the road to recovery. They are soon expected to be sent home.

Corona treatment must be as per the guidelines of IMRA. Gujarat State Health Secretary Jayanti Ravi, however, granted permission to hospitals which requested treating patients with Homeopathy and Ayurveda methods. This was initiated only after getting written consent from the patients.

Vaidya Bhavana Patel, Director Ayush Gujarat, said “Eight hospitals in Gujarat are treating corona patients with Ayurveda. We are attempting to start Ayurvedic medication in hospitals with over 100 corona patients. The patient is free to choose Allopathy, Ayurvedic and Homeopathy treatment”.

Vaidya Pinal Rana said, “Corona is 100% curable with Ayurvedic medicines. Ayurveda can treat serious patients of corona. Allopathy provides only one type of medicine; whereas, Ayurveda offers treatment as per the body constitution.”

Currently, the medication in Ayurveda is ‘Sanshamni vati, Sitopaladi churna, Lavangadi vati, Sudarshan ghanvati, Shadbindu oil, and Tulsi powder or a combination of these. Warm water is also 50% effective”.