SSRF gets another jewel in the form of a Samashti Saint
Ramnathi (Goa) – ‘Spiritual Science Research Foundation’ (SSRF) conducted its Annual International Workshop in Sanatan’s Ashram at Ramnathi, Goa in the first week of January 2020.
It was declared in this International Workshop that SSRF seeker from Europe, Mr. Dejan Glescic, has attained Sainthood.
The International Work-shop is like an annual spiritual celebration for the SSRF seekers. The countries they live in are Raja-Tama predominant; despite this, these seekers make efforts to perform spiritual practice in adverse situations. The Annual Workshop is akin to an examination of their efforts in spiritual practice during the whole year. Therefore, the seekers were eager to know how well they had performed.
The eagerness of the seekers becomes blissful when their spiritual progress is announced. The Workshop’s environment is also filled with bhav (Spiritual emotion), thus, contributing to the Bliss. As a result, all seekers experience Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) and obtain the motivation to perform spiritual practice the whole year. Such was the enthusiastic environment during this Annual Workshop.
During the inauguration of the Workshop, seekers were very curious to know about the gift Shrikrushna was going to give them. Naturally, Shrikrushna responded and gave a gift in the form of the spiritual progress of SSRF seeker Mr. Dejan Glescic from Europe.
Mr. Dejan Glescic (Age 44) attained Sainthood – He is the 5th Saint of SSRF. Mrs. Yvonne Pregenzer from Austria also reached the spiritual level of 61%, thus getting liberated from the cycles of birth and death. H.H. (Ms.) Bhavna Shinde announced this during the inauguration ceremony.
These announcements increased the Bliss for the seekers. This Annual Workshop of SSRF was attended by seekers from 16 countries. Many seekers worldwide participated in the inauguration ceremony via the internet.