The very foundation of God’s wish is in other’s wish. One has to give up achievements, ego and expectations while moving towards God’s wish. It is only then that the emotion of surrender awakens and one begins to feel that everything happens as per God’s wish. Then, his mind becomes calm and steady. The spiritual experience that I am not doing anything, but everything happens as per God’s wish, gives him peace of mind. He does not use his intellect to ask the reason why something happened; instead, he simply accepts the incident. He uses the incident to realise that God is teaching him, God has created this incident for his sadhana to take place; and with this thought, he surrenders to God’s wish. After surrendering the mind and intellect to God, he gets the spiritual experience that God does everything. Through the dissolution of the mind and intellect, it becomes possible for him to enter the Universal mind and Universal intellect. When the emotion of surrender develops, God rushes to the individual and performs his tasks.
Without the Guru’s grace, it is impossible to cross the stages of own wish, other’s wish and God’s wish
Sadhana, in a way, is a kind of battle. Destroying the six foes, personality defects and ego, effectively means a fight against the mind. If this fight has a Divine foundation, victory is assured. However, for this to happen, we have to surrender our mind and intellect. It is not possible to cross the stages of own wish, other’s wish and God’s wish without the Guru’s grace. In Spirituality, excessive use of the intellect is ignorance. Knowledge (Divine) is obtained only if the intellect is offered to the Sadguru. God-realisation is not possible without dissolution of the mind (Causal body), dissolution of the intellect (Supracausal body). Only when this dissolution takes place, can we have the spiritual experience of the nirgun, meaning voidness.