Hindus’ restaurants that do not serve beef are being attacked in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen reveals

New Delhi – In Bangladesh, jihadists are attacking restaurants that do not serve beef. They claim that in a Muslim-majority country, selling beef is mandatory. Otherwise, restaurants will be destroyed or shut down. If the restaurant belongs to Hindus, the threats and attacks increase fourfold. They are determined to force Hindus to consume beef, Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen has posted on ‘X’. Taslima has been living in India as a displaced person for the past several years. She had to leave Bangladesh due to the opposition of fanatic Muslims.

Taslima further wrote in the post,

1. Yunus government is passive on attacks on Hindus

What more must Hindus do just to survive in their own land ? The anti-Hindu jihadists are attacking Hindus in ways that should not go unnoticed by the government of Yunus. Has any action been taken? Of course not.

2. Jihadists who have reached the peak of evil deeds

I also saw a video showing two mikes tied to a tree at the Ramna Kali Mandir, broadcasting Islamic prayers. There is no mosque nearby, nor is there any religious gathering happening in Ramna. This act seems intended to hurt the religious sentiments of Hindus and keep them in a state of fear. The jihadists are leaving no stone unturned in their misdeeds.

3. Muslims consider themselves Arabs when their ancestors were Bengalis

Why are Muslims so intolerant? Their ancestors were Namashudras, yet they believe their forefathers came from Arab lands. Denying reality, they live in a world of imagination. This community is extremely violent and hateful. They dream of eternal paradise where they will indulge with virgins, and this fantasy drives their actions.

4. It is futile to expect goodness from the followers of the Prophet

The other day, they brutally beat up indigenous people over trivial reasons. Expecting goodness from the followers of the Prophet seems futile. Yet, I hope that humanity, compassion, and tolerance might have taught them something. To my dismay, I observe that most Muslims in Bangladesh have yet to learn even a fraction of these values.

Editorial Perspective

It is shameful that Hindus in India remain inactive while Hindus are being massacred in Bangladesh.