Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) – A young man named Chandan Gupta was killed in an attack by fanatic Muslims during the Tiranga Yatra held on Republic Day on 26th January 2018 in Kasganj, Uttar Pradesh. After this, violence broke out. In this case, a National Investigation Agency Court recently convicted 28 Muslims and sentenced them to life imprisonment.
🚨 NGOs under scrutiny:🕵️♂️
NIA Court orders probe into funding of NGOs involved in Kasganj, UP violence 🌪️
Key observations: 📝
🔹 NGOs’ inclination towards violence is alarming! 🚫
🔹 Rioters must face severe punishment! 🚔
🔹 Anti-national and Hindu-hating groups must be… pic.twitter.com/SwpvhQFXvA
— Sanatan Prabhat (@SanatanPrabhat) January 9, 2025
The Court termed this violence as a ‘pre-planned conspiracy’ and expressed concern over the increasing interference of various domestic and foreign NGOs (Non-Government Organisations) that provide legal aid to the accused involved in anti-national activities and raised the question, ‘What interest they may have in this violence ?’ The Court has ordered to send a copy of this judgment to the ‘Bar Council of India’ and the ‘Union Home Secretary’ to ascertain the source of funding to these NGOs, their collective objective, and to take effective measures to prevent their unnecessary interference in the judicial process. Special Judge Vivekanand Sharan Tripathi made the observation in his 130-page order.
Observation recorded by the Court
NGOs’ inclination towards the violence is dangerous
This trend of NGOs is encouraging very dangerous and narrow-minded views about the judiciary. All stakeholders related to the judiciary should reflect on this.
Strict punishment is necessary to send a strong message to the rioters
The Kasganj violence was a premeditated act. It is appropriate to give severe punishment to the accused to send a strong message to the criminals and rioters who commit such acts at the local, State and national levels.
Names of domestic and foreign NGOsThe Court named the following Indian NGOs, Citizens of Justice and Peace (Teesta Setalvad is the secretary of the organization), People’s Union for Civil Liberties, Rihai Manch and United Against Hate, and the following foreign NGOs, Alliance for Justice and Accountability (New York), Indian American Muslim Council (Washington DC) and South Asia Solidarity Group (London). What was the case ?On 26th January 2018, Chandan Gupta led a Tiranga Yatra in Kasganj to celebrate Republic Day. As the yatra reached the entrance of the Government Girls’ College, several armed accused including Salim, Wasim and Naseem blocked the road. They snatched the tricolour and desecrated it and demanded that the participants of the yatra chant ‘Pakistan Zindabad’. When Chandan Gupta opposed this, Muslims pelted stones and opened fire. Salim shot Chandan dead. |
Editorial Perspectives