Sakti, Chhattisgarh – A total of 651 Christian families in the Sakti District have recently returned to Hindu Dharma through a “Ghar Wapsi” programme. These families, originally Hindus, had converted to Christianity for various reasons in the past. The reconversion initiative was led by BJP leader Prabal Pratap Singh Judev, whose family has been engaged in such efforts for 2 generations, reportedly facilitating the return of thousands of families to Hindu Dharma. The event took place during a grand Hindu conference in Sakti, which saw participation from several Hindu saints, including Sadhvi Pragya.
‘Crypto Christian’ is the biggest danger : BJP Leader Prabal Pratap Singh Judev
At the “Ghar Wapsi” programme in Sakti, Chhattisgarh, BJP leader Prabal Pratap Singh Judev addressed the issue of ‘Crypto Christians,’ describing them as individuals who secretly practice and promote Christianity while living within the Hindu society. Judev asserted that these individuals use fraudulent means to encourage conversions and covertly propagate Christianity, posing a significant threat to Sanatan culture. He stressed the importance of exposing their activities and taking strict measures to counter their influence and preserve traditional Hindu values.