Kolkata – In response to the atrocities being committed against Hindus in Bangladesh, J.N. Ray Hospital at Manicktala in Kolkata announced that no Bangladeshi patient would be treated at their medical facility. Shubhrangshu Bhakta, a hospital authority mentioned that this decision was taken after Bangladeshi citizens disrespected the Indian national flag. He added that they have circulated a notice stating that no Bangladeshi patient shall be admitted to the hospital for treatment, for an indefinite period. Though India had supported the movement for the liberation of Bangladesh, their anti-India stance can be clearly seen. J.N. Ray hospital appealed to other hospitals to support them and take similar measures on their own.
Editorial PerspectiveSomebody in India has taken concrete action for the first time to support the Hindus in Bangladesh. It seems possible now that Hindus will follow this example and take similar decisions. |