Israel seeks peace but will fight until victory : Israeli PM Netanyahu

  • Statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations

  • As Netanyahu began his speech, representatives from several countries walked out of the meeting.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the United Nations General Assembly

New York (USA) – ” Israel seeks peace. Israel yearns for peace. Israel has made peace and will make peace again. Yet we face savage enemies who seek our annihilation, and we must defend ourselves against them. Last year, when I addressed the United Nations General Assembly, a normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel seemed closer than ever. But then came the curse of October 7th. Thousands of Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists from Gaza burst into Israel in pickup trucks and on motorcycles, and they committed unimaginable atrocities,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his speech at the UN General Assembly. As Netanyahu spoke, several country representatives left the hall in protest.

Netanyahu further stated;

1. As Prime Minister of Israel, I will uphold this agreement. A peace deal between our two countries would reshape the entire Middle East, but Iran is obstructing this progress.

2. I have a message for the tyrants of Tehran: If you strike us, we will strike you. There is no place—there is no place in Iran—that the long arm of Israel cannot reach.

3. We don’t seek to resettle Gaza. What we seek is a demilitarized and de-radicalized Gaza. We will not accept a terror army perched on our northern border, able to perpetrate another October 7th-style massacre. We have already destroyed 23 out of 24 of Hamas’s military battalions.

Hamas savagely murdered 1,200 people. They raped and mutilated women. They beheaded men. They burned babies alive. They burned entire families alive—babies, children, parents, grandparents. It seems reminiscent of the Nazi Holocaust. Hamas kidnapped 251 people from dozens of different countries, dragging them into the dungeons of Gaza.

Hezbollah, a terrorist organization, They fire these rockets and missiles not from military sites—they do that too—but they fire those rockets and missiles after they place them in schools, in hospitals, in apartment buildings, and in the private homes of the citizens of Lebanon. They endanger their own people. They put a missile in every kitchen. Just this week, the IDF destroyed large percentages of Hezbollah’s rockets, which were built with Iran’s funding for three decades.

Ntanyahu speech at UN 2024

Editorial Perspective

Israel achieved peace within its borders by eliminating terrorists through decisive action. When will India take similar steps ?