Shri Swaminarayan Temple vandalised in the USA

‘Hindus, go back’ slogans written on the walls

New York (USA) – Shri Swaminarayan Temple in Sacramento, California has been vandalised and anti-Hindu slogans such as ‘Hindus, go back’ were written on its walls. The water supply connection was also broken. It is not yet clear who carried out this attack. The investigation is ongoing. Just 10 days ago, the Swaminarayan Temple in Melville, New York was also vandalised.

1. The temple administration has issued a statement condemning the incident. It stated, ‘We are sad due to these incidents. Our prayers are strengthened for everyone who has hatred in their hearts for us.’

2. Sacramento County Member of Parliament Ami Bera said religious fanaticism and hatred have no place in Sacramento County. I strongly condemn this blatant act. We must all stand up against intolerance and ensure that everyone in our community feels safe and respected.

3. The Hindu American Foundation has written to the Senate Judiciary Committee detailing such anti-Hindu incidents in California.

Editorial Perspective

Khalistanis are attacking Hindu temples in the USA, Canada and other countries. As Hindus are tolerant, they do not respond to such incidents. Even the Governments of these countries are not taking any action against the Khalistanis. When will the Indian Government create pressure for action against Khalistanis ?