What preparations have you made for your defence ? : Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri

Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri’s asks Hindus in India regarding the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh

New Delhi – Houses of Hindus in Bangladesh were set on fire, regarding this, Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri of Bageshwar Dham in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, issued a warning to the Hindus in India, asking, “Have you made any preparations ? Otherwise, you too will be burned in the same way.” He was speaking in an interview on journalist Sushant Sinha’s podcast. In November, Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri plans to embark on a 160-kilometer ‘Hindu Jodo Yatra’ from Bageshwar Dham to Orchha (Madhya Pradesh).

When journalist Sushant Sinha asked, “Does what’s happening to Hindus in Bangladesh not affect Hindus in India at all ?”, Dhirendra Krishna Shastri responded :

  1. If someone kidnapped our sisters and daughters in front of us, how would we feel ?
  2. Think about it. In a country where you have lived for years, run a business, saved every penny to build a home and a shop, and then 20 people come and loot you – can you tell me honestly, how would you feel ?
  3. Imagine your own daughter, whom you raised like a delicate flower, a fragile girl, being brutally raped one day by a cruel monster driven by lust. Tell me, my friend, how would you feel ?
  4. You go to a temple of the Goddess and do Puja. If someone destroys and throws away the idol of that Goddess, how would you feel seeing it ?
  5. In the very country where you live, you become a minority and are threatened to leave the country. The ancestors of those who fought for the independence of Bangladesh and stood with the country are now being told to “leave the country, leave Bangladesh.” How sad would they feel ?
  6. In the country where you have memories of your ancestors, where you have your home, and when you are forced to leave behind your yard, and the tamarind, mango, and lemon trees there, how would you feel ?
  7. If your house is burned down and your dreams are reduced to ashes, tell me, how would you feel at that moment ?
  8. But India’s misfortune is that the Hindus in India cannot think this way, nor do they wake up. One day will come when they will be wiped out. They will be caught in some conspiracy. But the misfortune of this country is that, no matter how many times Hindus are called upon, they do not come out of their homes. One day, your heart and children will surely ask you, “What did you do for the country ?” Homes of Hindus in Bangladesh are burning, and they are asking the Hindus in India, “Have you prepared to face such incidents ?”

Editorial Perspective

For 75 years, Hindus in India have been attacked and persecuted, yet successive Governments have failed to act. Now, with the escalating violence against Hindus in Bangladesh, the warning signs are clear: if Hindus in India do not take steps to protect themselves, they may face a similar fate. Will Hindus in India take heed of this warning and prepare for their defence ?