Chief Justice of Pakistan changed the decision of the case after receiving death threats

Islamabad (Pakistan) – The Supreme Court of Pakistan has reversed its decision to acquit a person from the Ahmadiyya community who was accused of blasphemy. This reversal follows widespread protests from thousands of Muslims who had threatened to storm the Supreme Court and assassinate the Chief Justice in response to the earlier verdict. The jihadi organization ‘Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP)’ had announced a reward of Rs 1 crore for anyone who kills Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa. Subsequently, the Chief Justice had resigned from his position.

The Government of Pakistan appealed that the decision to acquit a person from the Ahmadiyya community should be reconsidered. The judges have accepted this request. Along with this, in the verdict, the right to practice their religion was given to the Ahmadiyya community. They have also removed several ‘controversial paragraphs’ from the revised order. In Pakistan, the Ahmadiyya community is not recognised as Muslim, which was the basis for the opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision.

Who are the Ahmadiyya Muslims ?

In Islam, there are approximately 73 sects and the Ahmadiyya is one of them. It was founded in 1889 by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. While Islam traditionally recognizes Prophet Muhammad as the final prophet, Ahmad claimed to be a prophet himself. He considered himself the ‘Messiah’ (A person who has taken an avatar to bring about the world’s salvation). It is for these reasons that other Muslim communities consider Ahmadiyya Muslims as ‘Kafirs’ (Non-believers of Islam) rather than ‘Muslims’.

Editorial Perspective

This again proves that there is no rule of law in Pakistan, but jihadis, religious Muslim fanatics and terrorists are ruling on the country !