It is possible to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ only with the help of Saints and Maharshi at the spiritual level ! : Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale


Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale

God’s mere resolve is sufficient to create the entire Universe

Let us first understand how a task is performed at the spiritual level. God has created infinitely infinite Universes. It is not that God started creating in bits and pieces, meaning, He did not create stone by stone and assembled a mountain from those stones, and so on. No. God merely made the resolve, ‘I am One and I will manifest into infinite forms’. It is after this resolve that the entire Universe was created.

Importance of Saints in the mission of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’

Saints whose spiritual level is 70% : When an individual reaches 70% spiritual level, He attains the level of a Saint. When these Saints pray to God, God listens to their prayers; because, they are constantly in communion with God.

Saints whose spiritual level is 80% : They need not pray. Whatever thoughts they get, such as, a particular aspect should happen or the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ should be established – these get transformed into their resolve and those aspects materialise.

Saints whose spiritual level is 90% : These Saints don’t even have to make a resolve. Their mere existence is enough, just as when the sun rises every day, it does not tell everyone, ‘Now that I have come, everyone should wake up !’ Mere existence of the sun wakes up the animals, birds, the entire human race, etc.

Flowers contain honey and the honey’s mere presence automatically draws butterflies to flowers. Flowers don’t have to invite butterflies. The working of Saints who are at the spiritual level of 90% and above is similar.

The mere existence of Saints who are at a spiritual level of 90% and above destroys the evil destiny of Earth and mankind.

The help provided by many Saints for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’

1. Pujya (Late) Ashwamedhayaji Nana (Narayan) Kale Guruji coming to Sanatan’s Ashram at Ramnathi, Goa and making a resolve to perform Ashwamedha Yajna : Ashwamedhayaji Pujya Nana Kale Guruji from Barshi (District Solapur, Maharashtra) came to Sanatan’s Ashram at Ramnathi, Goa and performed the ritual of making a resolve for the Ashwamedha Yajna.

Actually, before His arrival, I had not met Him. The only communication that had taken place between us before His arrival was a phone call from Him, in which He had said, “I am Nana Kale speaking. I want to come to Your Ashram at Ramnathi and perform Ashwamedha Yajna”. Thereafter, He arrived and performed the ritual of making the resolve.

Thus, every Saint is doing a lot of work in His own way for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’, and because of them, the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ will be established.

Seekers are also trying. The task performed by seekers is at the physical, mental and intellectual levels. Actually this task should be performed at the spiritual level.

2. Pujya Mohan Jadhav (Age 82) travelling all the way from USA to Sanatan’s Ashram at Ramnathi, Goa to perform Agnihotra with the sole aim of making it easier to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ on Earth : In 1998, I had written a Text – ‘Establishment of the Divine Kingdom’. At that time, I had thoughts of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in India. My thoughts were limited to India only.

There is a Saint of Indian origin in USA. He travels across the world to propagate Agnihotra. Agnihotra performed by Him brings about many benefits. Now, we are at the door step of World War 3. If someone performs Agnihotra in a bhav-enriched manner in the morning and evening at some place, then there will be no side effects of radiation from a nuclear fallout 3 to 30 kms around such a place. Therefore, this Saint is performing Agnihotra at various places. He has over 10,000 disciples residing in different places.

In 2010 I got a call from this Saint and we had the following conversation :

Pujya Mohan Jadhav : I would like to visit your Ramnathi Ashram and perform some rituals. Can I come ?

Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale : You are doing such a wonderful work. At this age, You are planning to fly down from USA to perform Agnihotra at Ramnathi Ashram. Why are You taking so much trouble ?

Pujya Mohan Jadhav : The ritual I shall perform in the Ashram will generate Chaitanya (Divine consciousness). It will facilitate in establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ on Earth.

Initially my approach was to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ only in India. However, Pujya Mohan Jadhav said, “We have to establish ‘Hindu Rashtra’ on the entire Earth”.

3. To facilitate the establishment of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in the entire world, Pujya Sumati Akka getting ready to renounce Her body, go to Patal (Hell region) and destroy the negative energies : In 2015, Pujya Sumati Akka, a lady Saint (from Bengaluru, Karnataka) came to Sanatan’s Ramnathi Ashram. During our conversation, She said to me :

Pujya Sumati Akka : I will be renouncing my body after 3 months.

Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale : Our immediate priority is to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. To accomplish this task we need the blessings and guidance of Saints. Why are You renouncing Your body now ?

Pujya Sumati Akka : Demoniacal activities of the demons increases unrighteousness on the Earth. Then, Deity Shri Vishnu Himself incarnates on Earth and subtly wages a war with the demons.

In the earlier times, to establish the Divine Rule, there were Incarnations such as Shriram to establish Ram Rajya; then came Shrikrushna. Shri Vishnu incarnated ten times. All those Incarnations have performed the same mission. Shri Vishnu does not take up an earthly mission by staying in Vishnulok. He incarnates on Earth.

Now the negative energies from the sixth and seventh regions of Hell will attack the Earth. During these attacks, will I be able to wage a war against them by remaining on Earth as an embodied soul ? If I renounce my body, I shall visit Hell region subtly, wage a war against the negative energies there and destroy them. It will facilitate in establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in the entire world.

Since 2002, we have been waging a subtle war with the negative energies. At the beginning, we defeated the negative energies in the first region of Hell, then defeated those in the second region of Hell and so on. We have now reached the sixth region of Hell. The language used by that lady Saint was similar to what I have just said. Saints know all the subtle aspects.

This is the importance of Spirituality. All those Saints did not think about establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ only in India; instead, they thought of the entire world. When compared with the mission of the Saints, the task performed by the activists of Hindutva is like a child’s play. However, by performing spiritual practice through the medium of this work, the activists have to ensure their own spiritual progress.

As per the Divine plan, obtaining guidance from Maharshi through the medium of Nadipattis

In Spirituality we have to always take guidance from seniors and the spiritually evolved, meaning, ask them how to continue at every step. I too do the same, meaning, seek guidance from others. Hence, the spiritually great Saints help me. Now even Maharshi has entered my life. What the Maharshi said thousands of years ago about future events is recorded in different Nadipattis.

Nadipatti readers tell us about it. Maharshi guides us through the Nadipattis on how to perform a particular Yajna or religious ritual, or how to take darshan of a specific pilgrimage centre. I simply obey the Maharshi.

A Saptarshi Jeevanadipatti reader from Tiruvannamalai (Tamil Nadu), a Bhrigu Samhita Nadipatti reader from Hoshiarpur (Punjab) and a Atri Samhita Nadipatti reader from Pune (Maharashtra) do not know each other; but it was written in all their readings of the three Nadipattis, ‘On this particular day I have to visit Sanatan’s Ramnathi Ashram in Goa’.

How will the human intellect that has limitations understand this Divine planning ?

Hindus who perform spiritual practice and abide by Dharma can establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ !

An individual dedicated to Dharma does not harm Dharma, and whenever someone does, the individual opposes him; hence, only one who abides by Dharma and performs spiritual practice can participate in the mission of protecting Dharma in the true sense. This explains why only those who abide by Dharma and Hindus who are performing spiritual practice can establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

The mere existence of Saints who are at a spiritual level of 90% and above destroys the evil destiny of Earth and mankind !