Hindu Nationalism is the lifeblood of Hindu Dharma and Hindu way of life

Elimination of Hindu Dharma and Hindu way of life is the true mission of the followers of Islam and Christianity

Mr Durgesh Jaywant Parulkar

In India, the followers of Islam and Christianity have converted millions of Hindus to their respective religions either by brute force or by lurement. This has resulted in a drastic reduction in the Hindu population. The so-called seculars and liberals are often quick to cry foul when such converts are brought back to their original Hindu Dharma with the help of rituals prescribed in Dharma (a process commonly called ‘Ghar-wapsi’). Conversion of Hindus is one tool in their arsenal to eliminate Hindu Dharma and the Hindu way of life, to accomplish their mission to make India an Islamic or Christian Nation.

When Hindus fight for justice and their birth rights, the so-called secularists, liberals, and communists who call themselves paragons of humanity waste no time labelling it as an outright violation of the Constitution. Their silence is deafening when Hindus get butchered, as in such situations, their collective intellect gets paralysed, and it sheepishly prostrates to Christian and Muslim clerics and fanatics and strives to serve them in the best possible manner.

An ecosystem at play to present Hindu History in the worst possible manner

The self-declared pundits and Hindu-phobic historians have been an integral part of an ecosystem designed to malign and distort the history of Hindu Dharma, the Hindu way of life, and the political history of Hindus. Many wealthy Hinduphobic people around the world have been providing the financial carrot to these pseudo-writers and historians. They are also a critical part of this ecosystem. To please their Hindu-phobic financial masters, these self-declared pundits incessantly target Hindu Dharma, the seats of faith for millions of Hindus and Hindu beliefs, claiming that Hindus persecute the religious minorities and label all those who resist these attacks as ‘Hindu terrorists’. To summarise, this ecosystem strives to convince people that the relentless injustice meted out to Hindus is justice in the true sense. When alert devout Hindus try to speak against this false propaganda, these paid puppets declare that Hindus always suffer from Islamophobia and Christianophobia.

Rebutting false and imaginary anti-Hindu narratives – a mammoth challenge for Hindus

These self-declared pundits seem to have a highly corrupt intellect that is capable of brainwashing naïve Hindus. Generally, gentlemen use their sharp intellect for noble causes. However, it is abundantly clear that these so-called pundits who consider themselves to be exceptional are leaving no stones unturned to defame and ultimately eliminate Hindu Dharma.

Their modus operandi is simple – spread false narratives about Hindu Dharma and confuse Hindus about everything related to Hindu Dharma, including their identity as Hindus, which may result in chaos. Hence, Hindus have their work cut out for them – refute these false narratives and call them out for lying.

Unfortunately, some of us (Hindus) seem to have fallen prey to this false narrative. Later, it may result in a roadblock for Hindus who are defending and protecting Dharma. Hence, all of us must understand the tenets of Hindu Dharma and align our thought process as much as possible with our ancestors, National Saints and great Sages who defended and upheld the sanctity of Hindu Dharma. If not, every step we take will help those who are on a mission to eliminate Hindu Dharma.

When Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj took the oath to establish Dharma-based self-rule, he rekindled staunch nationalism in Hindus under the brutal Islamic rule. In addition, he developed and enhanced the mental and physical tolerance of his soldiers to endure extreme pain and nurtured devotion towards the necessary struggle to serve the Nation & Dharma. Hence, when we follow his footsteps to maintain the sanctity of Hindu Dharma, we must help Hindus in different strata of our society to enhance their physical and mental tolerance to face adverse circumstances and develop intense devotion to serving the Nation & Dharma.

Staunch Hindu Nationalism amongst Hindus is the only antidote for the menace of religious conversions

The followers of Islam and Christianity lure unsuspecting Hindus and convert them. To counter this, some of us think a better offer would help keep Hindus in their fold. In addition, they suggest offering free liquor to forest dwellers (the tribals) to deter them from accepting such freebies from Christian missionaries. Such weird solutions make one wonder – if the cure is worse than the disease ! One does not need a carrot to develop a sense of devotion towards the struggle for a just cause.

Moreover, if one consumes intoxicating substances regularly, it will weaken the person physically, psychologically, emotionally as well as intellectually. Such chronic weakness would later become a major obstacle in serving the Nation effectively. Hence, Hindus must develop a deep sense of belongingness for the Nation, and we should all proclaim – ‘This is my land, my Nation, and I will devote my life to serving this great Nation’.

In addition, we should be very proud of our great historical, cultural, and spiritual ethos. We should train ourselves intellectually, psychologically, and physically in such a way that no one ever contemplates converting to another religion. It will also help us not fall prey to these false narratives against Dharma by Hinduphobic pundits and historians (who suffer from a corrupt intellect and sadistic psychology) to brainwash and create a sense of confusion amongst Hindus.

A vaccine protects us from infectious or malignant diseases by developing specific antibodies. Similarly, once the mind, intellect, and body of all Hindus become immune to external noise, they will never fall prey to anti-Hindu propaganda. Hence, we should all strive to develop such immunity in all our Hindu brethren. Needless to say, staunch Nationalism is the lifeblood of such endeavour.

Hindu Nationalism is the need of the hour to protect the Nation, Dharma and the Hindu way of life

Some extra smart people likened the result of the recent Lok Sabha results to the defeat of Shriram. Their move is clear as day – to challenge and weaken Hindus’ faith in Shriram. Moreover, these people emphatically proclaim – ‘Shriram and Shrikrushna belonged to Tretayug and Dwaparyug respectively; hence, they are not relevant in Kaliyug. This is far from the truth as our culture advocates – ‘Bullying a bully is the effective way to manage the adverse situation’. It never promotes surrendering to a diabolical attitude. On the contrary, it advocates eliminate such demonic attitudes and refers to these efforts as true Purushartha (Four basic pursuits of life). Such a never-say-die attitude will come in handy to foster Hindu Nationalism in times to come.

Staunch Nationalism does not just help protect the country, it also helps protect Dharma and the associated way of life. We can easily witness this premise with the way these great people lived in this Kaliyug – Arya Chanakya, Chandragupta Maurya, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Yashovarma, Shalivahan and Samrat Vikramaditya. If we choose not to learn from their exemplary lives and fall prey to the false anti-Hindu narratives instead of strengthening our Nation and upholding our Dharma, we will surely be doomed to fail.

The followers of Islam and Christianity are indeed suffering from an acute Hinduphobia

The followers of Islam and Christianity have been suffering from acute Hinduphobia. As soon as Narendra Modi was sworn in as the PM of India for the third consecutive term, he started taking crucial decisions to safeguard and strengthen our Nation. It must have upset Muslims and Christians and subsequently caused acute Hinduphobia. The PM demonstrated his staunch Hindu Nationalism when he confidently revoked Article 370 and 35A, which conferred a special status to the State of Jammu & Kashmir. He banned triple talaq and released millions of Muslim women from the clutches of unjust Sharia law of Islam. He successfully liberated Ram Lalla in Ayodhya and constructed a magnificent Shriram Temple – which gave immense joy to millions of Hindus across the world. Such historic and decisive steps have become a cause of concern for the followers of Islam and Christianity, as these steps will derail their mission to bring India under Islamic or Christian rule.

They formed a grand anti-Modi coalition of all opposition parties. They left no stone unturned to ensure Modi does not become India’s PM for the third consecutive term. However, their grand anti-Modi alliance fell short of the majority mark, and to their dismay, Modi became India’s 19th Prime Minister.

The followers of these Abrahamic religions want to dominate India’s political spectrum. However, PM Modi has emerged as the biggest hurdle in their mission. Hence, Muslims and Christians have started feeling restless, and Hinduphobic self-declared pundits have become indignant. To counter this wave of Hindu Nationalism, they have started spreading false anti-Hindu narratives and brainwashing naïve Hindus. At a time when it is clear as day that they suffer from an acute Hinduphobia, they shed crocodile tears and shamelessly blame Hindus as a Christian and Islamphobic community. Hence, Hindus should be careful about any freebies with or without some strings attached, articles and videos that demean and defame Hindu Dharma and should be on guard to protect the Nation & Dharma. Hindus should realise that Hindu Nationalism is the lifeblood of Hindu Dharma, the Hindu way of life, and Hindu society.

When Shriram, the slayer of Ravan, bravest of the brave-hearts, is our Supreme Commander |

Shrikrushna, the Deity of Karmayoga, is our proud Charioteer |

No army in this world can stop your juggernaut O’ Bharat |

Then why the delay O’ brothers, let us wholeheartedly serve our Nation as we are indeed our own saviours ||

– Swatantryaveer Savarkar

We should always draw inspiration from this quote of Swatantryaveer Savarkar since they will serve as the guiding light in the adverse situations for the Nation & Dharma. I prefer to say no more.

Once the mind, intellect and body of Hindus become immune to external noise, they will not fall prey to anti-Hindu propaganda !