We will invade Israel : Turkish President Erdoğan

Turkish President Erdoğan’s statement on Israel-Hamas war

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. (Credit – Times of Israel)

Ankara (Turkey) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has stated that Turkey can invade Israel to assist the Palestinians. Erdoğan mentioned at a meeting of the ruling AK Party in his hometown of Rize that Israel cannot do wrong against Hamas. We must be very strong against this. Just as we invaded Karabakh (a region in Azerbaijan) and Libya, we can also invade Israel.

Will have the same fate as Saddam Hussein – Israel’s response

By threatening to attack Israel, Erdoğan is following in the footsteps of Saddam Hussein, warned Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz in a post on ‘X’. He also shared pictures of Saddam Hussein and Erdoğan. He said Erdoğan should remember what happened in Iraq and how it ended.

Editorial Perspective

Hamas is facing Israel’s wrath as a consequence of its incursion into Israel for the past few months. As Turkey is a constant critic of India, it will not be surprising if Indians actually look forward for Turkey to make such a suicidal move.