Ms Wirth is a native of Germany. For long, she was convinced that every Indian knows and treasures his great heritage. She noticed that there seemed to be a concerted effort to prevent even Indians from knowing how valuable this ancient Indian heritage is, so she started to point out its unique values. |

What is unique about Hindu Dharma ?
Why is it different from other religions, particularly Christianity and Islam ?
There is so much uniqueness that it is hard to put it briefly. I consider Vedic knowledge or Sanatana Dharma as the original, most ancient and complete knowledge about what is true regarding us and the universe. It is called today inadequately ‘Hinduism’. An ‘ism’ usually means a fixed doctrine that must be believed, and Hindu Dharma is the opposite of that. It allows the greatest freedom to connect with one’s essential Self, gives hints and methods, and does not go against one’s conscience. In contrast, Christianity and Islam put their doctrine above one’s individual conscience. This is wrong and has led to great suffering for humanity.
The religious belief systems, which came later in time, are either limitations or distortions. The Abrahamic religions are distortions because they demand not only belief in a Supreme Intelligence (in English called God), but also blind belief in wild claims about this God, which have no foundation in Truth and actually are harmful for a harmonious living together.
One more important difference : Hindu Dharma encourages asking intelligent questions and using one’s intelligence to its fullest in the search for Truth. Yet Christianity and Islam don’t want their followers to ask any questions or use their intelligence but want them to meekly accept what they are taught as ‘the one and only Truth’.
This Truth was allegedly revealed to only one human being and it divides humanity into those who follow this particular person and those who don’t. Those who don’t are dehumanized as unbelievers or heathen. This blind belief is of course not good for a healthy mindset, and the consequence of such fabricated division can be seen in history and also in the present. In Hindu Dharma, it matters what is said and whether it makes sense and not so much who said it. Yet in Christianity and Islam it only matters who said it. What the religious founder said must not be scrutinized but believed.
Hindu Dharma has incredible knowledge, even now, though a huge amount of it has been destroyed. Millions of texts were burned in Nalanda and Vikramshila by people who believed that only one book matters. Millions of Hindus were killed, many Brahmins among them, who were seen as the biggest enemy, as they had the knowledge in their heads. The former Shankaracharya of Kanchipuram, Sri Chandrashekharendra Saraswati, said that at the start of Kali Yuga, Veda Vyasa divided the four Vedas into over thousand Shakas, to make it easier for the Brahmins in Kali Yuga to memorize them. Only eight are still preserved in full. Only eight of over one thousand … What a painful loss !
The insights of the Rishis were not ordinary. They shared what they had ‘seen’ in cosmic awareness or in other words, the Vedas were revealed to them. This knowledge is said to be there right at the start of the universe.
In contrast, Western historians claim that humans were primitive thousands of years ago. The great Sages who handed down the Vedas were definitely more advanced, and I wished Bharatiya historians had the courage to stand by their inherited knowledge. Just one example that completely stuns me : How could the ancient Bharatiya map the sky so absolutely detailed and correctly ? How could they know the distance to the sun and the moon, or discern the planets of our solar system from stars ? How could they know that the twin stars of Vashisht and Arundhati, hardly visible, move around each other ? And even more astonishing, how could they develop astrology, know the qualities of the planets, their influence ? It truly needed an intimate connection with the cosmic awareness. They must have experienced that the whole cosmos with its planets and stars is alive, is a manifestation of Purusha himself, and they could reach out to it or rather see it within the vast space in themselves.
What were the reasons for you to decide to settle in Bharat and seek a spiritual path ?
I didn’t really decide to settle in Bharat. I was actually on my way to Australia, when I stopped over in Bharat. But then it so happened that I went on an inner journey and the best place for this is clearly Bharat. If you live in Bharat, you may not realize how different the atmosphere here is compared to the west. I prefer it any time. It is spiritually uplifting. The quality of life is definitely higher in Bharat. The West feels empty.
What were the reasons for leaving Christianity and becoming a Hindu ?
Leaving Christianity and adopting a Hindu way of life was not connected as I distanced myself already as a teenager from Christianity. I could not believe any longer in its vengeful God who would throw me into eternal hellfire if I go against his commands, like not going to Sunday mass, and who, in the same breath, is called very loving. Maybe I got a bit too much of Christianity in a Convent boarding school. It did not bind me closer to it, but made me skeptical.
Becoming a Hindu was gradual after coming to Bharat. I realized that the Hindu way of life was the most natural and ideal way of life. It means acknowledging a Supreme Intelligence (Ishwar) as the cause and base of everything, including our persons. This made immediately sense to me. Yet on the relative level, there is infinite variety and each person is entitled to his own approach.
Hindu Dharma also acknowledges that there are many powers, which are absolutely essential for our existence as humans. Honouring these powers, like the sun, of course also makes sense, because they are alive. And strangely, it also made sense to me that there are different invisible planes of existence, which are as real as this visible manifestation is.
Or should I say which are as ‘unreal’ as this visible manifestation ? Ultimately, only our essence, Brahman, is true. True in the sense that it is always, in past, present and future, and that it is self-evident and self-luminous. Only our consciousness fulfills these conditions. The only thing that we can know for sure is ‘I am’.
What is your concept of God ?
‘What is meant by God ?’ was an important question for me after I came to Bharat, because ‘God’ had not figured in my vocabulary in Germany during my studies, but here in Bharat, the topic came up often. The concept of God in the Abrahamic religions and in Hindu Dharma is very different. The Hindu concept which is clearly expressed in the four Mahavakyas of the Upanishads – Aham Brahmasmi, Tat Tvam Asi, Prajnanam Brahma, and Ayam Atma Brahma – makes great sense. The eternal, all-pervading consciousness is the absolute Truth and it is the essence in all of this varied manifestation. This is in tune with science and can be experienced.
Only in Bharat the absolute level of Truth is also considered – the one without a second, which is without name, form, attributes. Anyone with an open mind will realize that this view comes closest to the absolute Truth.
The God of the Abrahamic religions in contrast is on the relative level. He (male) is separate from his creation and biased towards his followers. Actually, he is more on the level of the Hindu Devas whom the dogmatic religions so much abhor. Yet even the Hindu Devas are not seen as separate. It is made clear in the Upanishads that all Devas are expressions of the One and actually one with it.
It’s amazing that the majority of Westerners, who consider themselves as rational and intellectual, accept a concept of God which will fall flat on genuine enquiry. How can the omnipotent and omnipresent creator be separate ? Where is he ? If infinite, he must permeate his creation, too, if all-powerful, then Satan must be also under his control, if all-merciful then he must include all in his mercy, and not single out the majority for terrible, eternal suffering in hell.
Your message to the Bharatiya youth ?
You are so lucky that you were born in Bharat. Be proud of your identity, not in the sense of being arrogant, but holding your head high. You belong to the most ancient civilization that has given maximum knowledge to the world. Without the amazing knowledge of your ancestors, ‘western science’ would not exist.
A few days ago I saw a video of a young, modern looking Muslim woman talking about Kalonji seeds and how they are helpful against Corona infection. She expressed awe that Prophet Mohamed knew about these seeds and the comment section was full of praise that their religion has such precious knowledge.
Now compare this with the vast knowledge that is there only in Ayurveda, for example. The benefits of Kalonji seeds are also mentioned and probably the knowledge travelled to Arabia, yet many Bharatiyas are not proud of their heritage and their amazing history.
My message would be : You are the torchbearers for a better future for humanity. Do not copy the West. It went down on a wrong path. Many Westerners realised it and turned to Bharat’s wisdom. Learn about the wisdom of your forefathers, know about the richness of your land, for example, the amazing temples which hold many secrets and do sadhana, in whatever way it suits you.
Do not abuse your body by eating junk food or even taking drugs. Try to discover your true essence that is Satchitananda. Make the Divine in whatever form you prefer, your best friend. Remind yourself that Bhagawan is really present. This makes life worthwhile and fulfilling.
Nothing in this world can compare with the Bliss and love that is your own already, waiting to be discovered in the depth of your Self.
(Courtesy : Mr Pradeep Krishnan interviewed
Ms Maria Wirth for, 25.7.2020; these are excerpts from the interview.)
Hindu Dharma encourages asking intelligent questions and using one’s intelligence to its fullest in the search for Truth ! |