Gender transition surgery means murder and sterilization : Elon Musk

Washington (USA) – Elon Musk, the head of ‘Tesla’ and ‘SpaceX,’ has made a provocative statement regarding gender transition surgery, referring to it as “murder and sterilization.” Musk shared his personal experience, mentioning that his son became estranged from him due to gender conversion surgery.

In an interview with psychiatrist Dr. Jordan Peterson, Musk said, “Sex transition surgery is essentially killing and sterilizing a child. It’s a virus.” His son, Xavier, after turning 18 in 2022, underwent surgery to transition to female and changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson.

Musk further elaborated, “During the Corona epidemic, I was tricked into signing my son’s gender transition documents. I did not know what was going to happen. At that time, there was a lot of confusion due to the corona epidemic. I was told that my son might commit suicide.”

Musk said, I will fight this virus!

Narrating his own experience, Elon Musk said, “This (sex reassignment) surgery is called ‘deadnaming’; because it causes the death of the child. I lost my son after the surgery. That’s when I decided to fight this virus.”

According to a news agency, Musk said last year that he would fight to decriminalize transgender medical treatment.

Vivian dropped her father’s name after the surgery

Vivian declared, “I don’t want to have a relationship with my father,” and dropped the Musk surname, adopting her mother’s surname, Wilson. Vivian’s mother, Justine Wilson, is a Canadian author. At the school where Vivian was studying, she faced discrimination and subsequently embraced communist ideologies. Musk claimed that communists are taught that “those who are rich are bad,” and this belief influenced Vivian to sever ties with him. Musk’s interview highlights his perspective, stating, “This (sex transition) surgery is called ‘deadnaming’; because it causes the death of the child. I lost my son after the surgery. That’s when I decided to fight this virus.”