More than 800 students infected with HIV in Tripura

Consequences of drug injections !

Agartala – Tripura is witnessing a concerning increase in HIV-AIDS infections, with more than 800 students reported to be affected. The main factor contributing to this spread is the use of injectable drugs. An official from the AIDS Control Society of Tripura reported that 828 students have recently been diagnosed with HIV, and 47 students have lost their lives due to AIDS. The official noted that 5 to 7 new HIV cases are identified daily in Tripura.

The highest risk for HIV infection comes from unprotected sexual activity, while sharing drug injection needles also contributes to the spread of the virus. If a student uses a needle previously used by someone infected with HIV, they too may contract the virus. In Tripura, HIV cases have been documented in 220 schools and 24 colleges and universities. Subhrajit Bhattacharjee, Joint Director of the AIDS Control Society, stated that the majority of students infected with HIV come from affluent families. Often, by the time parents recognize their child’s drug addiction, it is already too late.

A report from the National AIDS Control Organization indicates that Mizoram has the highest rate of HIV infections linked to injecting drug use, with an estimated 20 percent of those infected using needles. Delhi follows in second place, with over 16 percent of HIV cases attributed to injection drug use.

Editorial Perspective

Had students been introduced to Sadhana in their initial years, they would have experienced lasting happiness instead of the fleeting pleasures with addiction, ultimately avoiding life-threatening addictions.