Bangladeshi terrorist organisation active in Bengal

  • Information received from the arrest of 3 terrorists
  • Organisation is recruiting Muslim youth in Bengal through mobile app
STF has arrested 3 Ansar-al-Islam terrorists in Bengal (Credit – Tarun Bharat)

Kolkata (Bengal) – It has been revealed that the Jihadi terrorist organisation of Bangladesh ‘Ansar-al-Islam’ is active in Bengal. This organisation has established ‘Shaheed Modules’ (local groups) in Bengal. Terrorists use mobile apps to communicate with each other, which are not quickly captured by the radars of security agencies. Several terrorists are being recruited in this module. The Special Task Force (STF) of the Kolkata Police revealed this information. STF has arrested 3 Ansar-al-Islam terrorists, who have revealed their motive during interrogation.

The STF arrested a terrorist named Mohammad Habibullah on 22nd June 2024. Habibullah was captured from Vardhaman District. Habibullah is said to be the head of ‘Shaheed Module’. During the interrogation, Habibullah revealed the names of his associates apart from his conspiracies. Based on Habibullah’s information, the STF arrested Haraj Sheikh on June 25 and Anwar Sheikh on June 28. In the investigation of these three, it was revealed that all of them were trying to create a network of Bangladeshi terrorist organisation Ansar-al-Islam in Bengal. They were trying to set up ‘Shaheed Module’, for which youth were being recruited on a large scale. All these accused used Telegram along with some other apps for communication. These apps cannot be easily detected.

The terrorists also used fake names to cheat the Police and other security agencies. These terrorists have also used several code-words in their conversations, which the Police are trying to decipher. These terrorists used to identify youths with Jihadi ideology through the internet and then talk to them. Habibullah used to run this organisation in India. All others followed his instructions. Currently, the Bengal Police is busy finding out how deep-rooted their network in India is.

Ansar-al-Islam organisation is banned in Bangladesh. In June 2024, Bangladesh Police arrested 3 terrorists of this organisation from Cox’s Bazar. Their names are Muhammad Zakaria, Muhammad Niamat Ullah and Muhammad Ozair. All of them are around 20 years old. The terrorists of this group idolise the Taliban which is operating in Afghanistan.

Editorial Perspective

There is no doubt that Bangladeshi terrorist organisations will recruit Bangladeshi Muslims who have infiltrated into India and carry out terrorist activities in the country. It is expected that at least now India will get an idea of ​​the nuisance of the infiltrators and try to drive them out immediately.