Christians attempt to convert more than 100 Hindus in a healing session in Bharatpur, Rajasthan

Claims to cure diseases like cancer in a healing session

Bharatpur (Rajasthan) – More than 100 Hindus were called for conversion in a healing session conducted by a Christian missionary in a village in Bharatpur. The missionary leaders were claiming to give ₹10,000 rupees per month to every person who embraces Christianity and cure diseases like cancer. They also used insulting words about Hindu Deities in this session. The Deities were considered weak before Jesus Christ. The accused were claiming that Jesus was the greatest God. The Christian missionaries asked the Hindus brought for conversion to break the idols of their Deities and throw them away. Police reached the spot as soon as they got the information about this conversion session, and arrested 28 people in this case who were later released on bail.

1. Mathura Gate Police Station in-charge Karan Singh Rathore said that a case has been registered against the accused. The main accused in this incident are Christian couple Ravindra Kumar (39 years) and his wife Ruby (32 years). (Please note that such converted Christians do not change their Hindu names. They retain their Hindu names in order to easily convert other Hindus by mixing with their community ! – Editor)

2. The husband and wife run a ‘Church Foundation’ in the city. They would add people to their WhatsApp group and invite them to healing sessions, claiming to cure diseases like cancer.

3. When the Police searched Ravindra Kumar’s house, they found 5 copies of Bibles and other Christian propaganda materials. Police are now investigating the bank accounts of Ravindra Kumar and are looking for the source of the funds.

4. District President of VHP Lakhan Singh said that Ravindra Kumar has been running a religious conversion centre in Bharatpur for many years. His wife also supports him in this. This couple used to visit every village and settlement telling people about Christianity.

Christian missionaries spread misinformation that Hinduism is the most inferior religion

The complaint filed with the Police mentions that Ravindra Kumar was asking those present in the meeting to abandon idol worship of Hindu Deities and embrace Christianity. The Deities did not take any incarnation. He used bad words about Shrikrushna and described Hinduism as the most inferior religion. He also said, ‘Jesus is the greatest God. If you serve him, you will get heaven’.

Editorial Perspectives

  • The need for a strict anti-conversion law is highlighted through such incidents.
  • The so-called intellectuals and progressives, who otherwise are quick to condemn any miracles done by Hindu Saints, do not utter a word against Christian missionaries’ claims !