Armed forces restoring temples destroyed by fanatics in Kashmir : Major Saras Tripathi

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 4 : Protecting the Nation, Dharma, and Culture

Major Saras Tripathi

Ramnath Devasthan, Goa – There is an anecdote that a Pakistani official once asked Atal Bihari Vajpayee to remove the cap (while gesturing to Kashmir on the map of India) and give it to them. Mr Vajpayee replied that it is not a cap, it is the head, and one does not remove the head and hand it over to others. Kashmir has a history of over 8,500 years. This city of Rishi Kashyap was the home of education in India hundreds of years ago. Today’s Jhelum here is Vitasta river which is a form of Goddess Parvati. Shiva Himself has sent Parvati there.

Kashmir was attacked for 500 years. The Muslim rulers imposed very cruel restrictions on the Hindus here. The Hindus were destroyed. So far Kashmiris have suffered 7 exoduses. The Muslim rulers destroyed hundreds of temples including the Martand Temple and the Sun Temple. Over the last few days, the armed forces have tried to rebuild some small temples, said Major Saras Tripathi (Author, CEO of Pragya Matth Publications, Uttar Pradesh). He was speaking on the topic of the role of armed forces in the protection of cultural heritage during the session on Protecting the Nation, Dharma, and Culture on the fourth day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024).