Only Sanskar and Sanskriti can stop Love Jihad : Chaya R Gautam, Hindu Mahasabha

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 2 : Efforts to protect the Nation & Dharma

Chaya R Gautam, District President, Hindu Mahasabha, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh

Ramnath Devasthan – Why don’t Hindus teach their daughters Bhagavad Gita at a young age? The Bhagavadgita says that ‘one’s own Dharma is better than the dharma of the others’. If they obtain this education, Hindu girls will not fall prey to love jihad. Love Jihad can not be curbed by law, but by sanskar (good value system) and sanskriti (culture). Uttar Pradesh was the first state to enact a law against Love Jihad, but the police did not apply the clauses according to this law. In one case of Love Jihad, the police only added the relevant clauses after they were informed to. Hindu girls need to be counseled to escape Love Jihad. I have counseled 40-50 girls who were trapped in Love Jihad. It was not wasted.

The work of organising Hindus being done by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is immense, said Chaya R Gautam, the Mathura District President Hindu Mahasabha. She was speaking on the efforts to curb Love Jihad.