Russia to include Pakistan in the International North-South Transport Corridor

India opposes

Part of corridor construction (Credits : Sputnik)

Moscow (Russia) – An International North-South Transport Corridor is being built connecting Europe, Asia and Russia. Russia has now invited to include Pakistan in this project, a move confirmed by the Pakistani Ambassador to Russia, Khalid Jamali.

The 7,200 km long highway will connect India and Russia via Northern Europe, Azerbaijan, and Iran, saving significant time and money. The project will link the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor between China and Pakistan. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor passes through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, which is why India has openly opposed this project.

International North-South Transport Corridor (Credits : Almayadeen)

Ambassador Jamali stated that Pakistan imports 1 million tons of crude oil from Russia annually, and this import will continue. The new highway will open new markets for Pakistan, as well as improve relations between Russia and Pakistan.

Experts believe that linking both highways will severely undermine India’s strategic interests, while significantly benefiting Pakistan. Pakistan will benefit from both highways and will establish stronger ties with Russia, which is a friend of India. This project will bring Russia and Pakistan closer.

According to experts, Pakistan’s participation in the India-Russia highway project could provoke disapproval from the United States and resistance from Afghanistan and Iran.

Editorial Perspective

It is clear that even though Russia is India’s friend, it is deliberately hurting India by including Pakistan in this Corridor. A country behaving in this manner cannot be considered a friend and India should deal with Russia accordingly.